Sunday, March 13, 2022

Still swallowing...

Been two whole days... and I'm still mulling over how that game ended.  Shoulda drawn a play where they tossed it in... so we can put up a jumpshot! So stupid!! At least get the ball in the air!! Over and over again, I'm re-running that scenario.  Shoulda called a 2nd timeout.  Shoulda had Ray in bound the ball.. she's a better passer.  Shoulda coached Eve to do a fake or two.  Shoulda... woulda... coulda..... ugh...

Then tonight... on Twitter, there was a tweet of a JH girl who shot her first basket... then ran to give her dad a hug.  Dad ran onto the court and play stopped.  Beautiful.  Absolutely beautiful.  Except... y'know what??? That was the exact play I should've drawn up!!! UGH!!!!!

I can't swallow it even if I wanted to...the universe won't let me!! 

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