Tuesday, September 13, 2022


It's gotta be at least 15...if not 20 years... since the Leung household brought home a "W" from organized sports. When did I participate in the adult softball league...? the company softball league? or the City Beach Volleyball team??  Doesn't matter... cuz today as we walked off the field at Valley Christian... who is known for owning TKA... we were winners!!  

SW was on cloud nine.  NN had rehearsals and couldn't go...but she was just as ecstatic. 

But with every positive... there is a downside to it.  For the first time... we saw SW measured up to his teammates and he was at least half a head shorter and much smaller than his teammates, let alone the opponents.  They are stronger... heavier... and physically more dominant.

SW is relegated to Defensive Line because he isn't big or quick enough for corner and safety, let alone WR or RB.  For most of the game... he was manhandled by the opposing offensive line.  He did manage one sack (or 1/2 sack).  And he's probably not having a lot of fun.  But alas... it's about team sport.  Team spirit.  You win as a team.  You lose a team. He's really going to have to earn it to become a starter... while on the other hand... NN is top of whatever she's participating in.  Such is life. Such it is. 

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