Sunday, September 18, 2022

First taste

(The background is... after a full season of Jr. High V-ball and Jr. High Hoops... NN has yet to win a game of any kind.) 

A few weeks ago... after a lot of begging and rejection... out of the blue... NN asks me if I really wanted us to play together in our church volleyball league.  I said, "Yes."  And I was already on cloud 9.  To play on the same team as my teenage daughter....?? Hardly any dad gets to say that!!!

Yesterday... she was so stressed... her stress got to me!  We practiced a little on our driveway. And at night... she was so nervous she couldn't sleep.  "I just want to win once!  Maybe just one set. Maybe just to get one serve in."  

I wasn't as hopeful.  Our opponent won last week... against a pretty good team mind you.  They have youth and height.  Our team... had 4 girls.  One is a Jr. Higher... One was so bad in week 1 she quit on the team.  One is a mom with a lot of heart.  And one is a mystery.

Half hour before game time... we find that 2 of the 4 girls can't make it and we only have 5 people.  No worries.  Between me and Wayland... we got this.  When we got there the opposing team's Captain... who happened to be our Young Adult Pastor... said he'll give us his extra player.  SCORE!!!!  A young man with skills... athleticism... and most importantly... what we gain, is what they lose!!!!

From an underdog... down 5 vs 6 players... we're suddenly evened at 4 guys and 2 girls. 6 on 6... GAME ON!!!!  

They had 4 athletic players that's clearly played before.  We have 2 dads in their 40's and 2 young guys with novice experience. And the ladies evened each other out.  

Back and forth.  Back and forth.  We pull ahead... but they come right back.  I get into a serving frenzy... but my heart grows soft and I purposely mess up a serve.  Then we started to pull away. This is happening!!!  We're doing it!!!!  Wayland!!! The Great Wall of China!!! With the block!!! We win game 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This wasn't time to let up.  It's pedal to the metal. Foot on the throat moment.  When I was serving... I was on a row.  I seriously thought about letting up.  Giving the other team a chance.  Then I thought of NN and how desperately she wanted a win. I kept going and going.  Hard serve after hard serve.  Ace after ace.  After 10 in a row... I gave in.  I served into the net.  Dang it... I made it too obvious.  Everyone knew I gave that up.  

Back and forth... we couldn't put them away.  With every sideout... we got a point.  And our 10 point cushion was enough for. 24:18... Our serve.  All we needed to do was hold serve and the game was ours.  

Sue served.

They passed.  

Good set.

Decent hit.

But we dig.



Free ball.


Spike.... but wait.... Wayland jumps!!! THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA!!!!!  Ball hits the ground!!!



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