Wednesday, September 28, 2022

To Kill a Mockingbird

An American classic that probably read by 90% of junior high students. I was part of that 10%.  Heard a lot about it.  It wasn't till the early 2000's...when I got laid off... that I plowed through a hefty amount of these classics, including "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.  (Bucket list - checked!)

20 years later... NN's 8th grade class is taking on this book coinciding with the play coming to Best of Broadway in San Francisco.  I was soooo looking forward to chaperoning - but alas, I have my first biz trip in 3 years.  

On my weekly tour of the San Jose Public Library... I came across the graphic novel.  The inertia was huge... it took me weeks to get on board... and even then the bookmark never budged. Then last night.. NN had to stay up late to do homework and I wanted to sit next to her (as much father/daughter time I can get). Was done reading my phone... so I dusted off this overdue library book and it became a page turner.  Even after having read it before... I was left tense and sweating.  

What a book.  What a topic. What an approach. Harper Lee.  What a legend.

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