Friday, September 16, 2022

Notary Public

Got an email from the housing placement company... yet another hurdle in front of us.  In the midst of this vicious cold (which hit me 10x harder than COVID), they needed a notarized letter.  A notarized WHAT?!?!  Quickly did some research to find out that it's basically paying someone $20 to watch you sign your name... in person.  

Dusted off my old lawyerese writing skills to draft a letter... then searched the entire south bay for a notary public (they're all over the place)... drove through Friday evening rush hour traffic to find a Printing/Mailing/FedEx shop in a strip mall.  Done.

And for that... I got awarded a roast duck! Not bad... at the price of duck these days.  

Until the next hurdle. 

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