Monday, September 26, 2022

Power of an Apology

For some odd reason... a conversation about kids with short legs needing to walk 1.5 - 2x the steps as an adult.  That triggered a deep memory of when SW was maybe 3-4.  And we were driving somewhere as a family.  We were maybe about 0.5 away from the house when he did something to trigger me.  To a point where I pulled over... dragged him out of the car... and walked home.  I remember being pissed and I was walking faster than normal.  The anger consumed me... not to a point of being a lunatic... but a little 3-4 year old would pretty much have to RUN to keep pace.  And to imagine the fear or the confusion he was going through during that 0.5 miles of walking.

7-8 years later...

Earlier this evening... I asked SW if he remembers that event.  He doesn't.  Then I apologized. I apologized for losing my cool and putting him through that.  And I complimented that he is 好乖, 真係好乖。 What I didn't expect was... he started tearing up... turned his head and wiped away tears.  

Sigh... if I had a time machine... 

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