Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Crossing the line...

Last week, a local radio show host made some comments regarding some San Francisco Giants' players. The comments have been deemed as racially unethical and the show host has been fired, along with a couple of other sacrificially lambs. When I first heard of this situation, I told people, "In SF, you can get away with anything, but you can't away from the issue of race."

There are times when we say things that we don't mean. It slips out in the heat of the moment. And during the show host's rant about the Giants, he probably lost control of his emotions. For the that blip of time, he let slip some words which didn't seem to have any reprecussions. In fact, during the show, nobody called him on his words. It wasn't till the day after did the media start to react. So when does someone actually cross the line?

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