Sunday, August 07, 2005


I was extremely naive as a teenager and young adult. Good and Evil can't ever be seperated by a simple line - there's always a crossover between the two. I always felt that being the bad guy, no, the antagonist is going the cool way. 風雲裡的步驚雲 is the perfect example. On the outside, he wasn't as 正直 as 聶風。 But he ultimately won the hearts of the fans cuz people identified with him more. 倚天屠龍記的“明教”, 被六大派稱之為“魔教。” 只因為他們不服當今皇帝﹐ 行事自把自為﹐ 世族就 ostracize 他們。 As with Jedi's and Siths in the epic Star Wars. Siths have their own way of doing things. And as they're misunderstood by the Jedi's...they live a life of principles and structure. 邪非邪﹐ 正非正。 Siths are not subjected to the rules and regulations of the Senate...does that make them evil? They are merely victims of discrimination from a higher bunch of societal juggernauts. Who's to say they're right?? I use to feel the same way towards life.

"豈能盡如人意﹐ 但求無愧於心."

But who's 心 am I speaking of? And to whom is the heart owned by? controlled under? submissive to? Little by little...I learn more about myself and like an onion, I long to shed layers and layers of my outter self. Everytime I think I'm done peeling, there's another layer....

So in honor of this onion analogy...I had onion rings for lunch today. It tasted good....

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