Thursday, August 18, 2005

Times a changin'

Been about a year since my last I figure I'll go get one before my Hong Kong trip. That way I can get all my shots and immunizations. I end up picking a new doctor cuz my old one changed jobs. I sit in the exam room, half naked, and in walks this guy who is MY AGE!!! Man...I must be getting old. No longer do I have a grayed hair old man with spectacle at the end of his nose as my doctor. I now have a goofy looking Chinese guy...who could very well pass for one of my elementary school buddies. He can't be any more than a year older than me, if that. You can tell he's newly out of school. He was stuttering, he was tripping over himself, and was constantly searching for words. Very unnatural... The weirdest part was when he instituted the "cough test." Can't really describe it..all part of growing up, I guess.

Oh man!!! And tomorrow!! TOMORROW!!!! I can finally shed myself from the chains and shackles of eyeglasses!! 20+ years I've needed them. But after tomorrow, I can kiss glasses goodbye!! WOOHOO!!!

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