Tuesday, August 30, 2005

playing catchup...

Last week was soooooooooooooo exhausting. LASIK surgery completely set my schedule back as far as homework is concerned. Had two programs I needed to write and turn in by last Sunday night cuz I was flying out to the East Coast on Monday morning. Friday, Saturday, Sunday night, I averaged about 3 hours of sleep. Alas, early Monday morning, I was able to finish, not to the best of my ability, the two assignments and mailed it in. ZIPPED, SENT, DONE. So Monday morning I went to bed around 2AM and got up at 4AM to catch my 630 flight. Barely made it on...as the attendant was about to close the gate on me. The check in line at San Jose Airport can get extremely hairy. I was hoping to catch some shuteye on the plane, but I ended up staying awake for 90% of the trip. Got into Maryland at around 5PM EST and went to Baltimore for dinner with Dale, my manager. We parked, walked around, realized that the wharf was too big to conquer by foot so we paid $8 for a water taxi! That was quite refreshing, as we sped through the bay of Baltimore with the wind blowin in our face on a hot humid evening. Didn't go to bed that night until 2AM EST (11PM EST) but I had to get up at 530AM EST (230AM PST). Needless to say, with all the late nighters and the flight and jet lag, I completely overslept. Dale called me around 7AM and I jumped out of bed, got dressed and rushed down to meet up with them for breakfast. 230AM was too early for me to have breakfaast...I opted for a cup of coffee and off we were for our 9 hour meeting. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I wasn't the only one. All the west coast guys who flew east had jet lag and dozed off during the meeting. Quite embarrassing....

After the meeting, we drove up from Baltimore to Philadelphia - the city of Brotherly Love. Our hotel is in downtown Philadelphia...right in Chinatown actually. We checked in and instead of sitting in the hotel room enjoying the AC, I took a stroll outside and wandered around aimlessly. It felt just like San Francisco to me. The cultural mixture of all ethnicity, the smell of the sewage, the traffic, the endless number of No Left Turn signs and One Way streets. I loved it!!!! In fact, I was kinda lost in the streets of Chinatown when I came upon a 開平同鄉會. That's my village in Southern China!!! I wasn't alone out in the East Coast!!! All my "cousins" were here too. =)

Grabbed a cup of coffee from a Dunkin' Donut. Then I walked around some more...found the City Hall - which was beautiful!! Architecturally stunning!!! It even rained on me a little - quite refreshing since it was soooo humid. Unfortunately, the rain was a result of Hurricane Katrina pushing upwards towards the northern part of the US. So sad to see the devastation that natural disasters can leave behind. Are all these natural disasters a sign from God?? What's going to happen next??

Prayers going out to Southern US!!!

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