Sunday, February 03, 2019

100 Strong

All month long... PAL has been touting, urging, praying for "100 people" to show up at our inaugural trial of 8AM - corporate devotional time at church.  100 people?!?!? He has such strong faith... I was thinking 50... and I'd be content.  Where did 100 come front??
"Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon the earth." ~John Wesley
In the end, about 60 adults showed up.  But I choose to believe there were about 40 children and youth also!

And there's something special about always standing in the back...

I wept - when I saw those 60 people, each one of them, reset the chairs in the sanctuary after TWA time.  It was more than a Kodak moment... it was a heavenly moment.

I wept - when PAL made the altar call for "100 strong" to go out to accept the power of the Holy Spirit and be the ONES to bring revival to our church.

I wept - when I saw one sister... grab the hand of another sister, who grabbed the the hand of another sister as they made their way up to the altar.

I wept - when I saw one couple, who never goes up, decided today was the day to respond to God's calling.

I wept - when I saw those two 90 year old ladies stand up, once again, as a physical demonstration of their response.

I wept - during the final intercession, that we as a church, corporately declared that we WILL accept the breath of the Spirit.

I wept - when after service, Joyce was running around the church looking for the CNY decorations.  How far she's come.

I wept - when our Super Bowl themed hospitality was wiped clean.  And all that was left when PAL came in was one broccoli and one carrot stick.

I wept - saw my {Inspiration}'s picture, holding her son, peacefully sleeping on her shoulder as a newborn.

There's a lot to be said about a grown man crying.... especially, when these are tears of joy.  I love my church.  I love my pastor.  I love God.

Mood: joyful joyful...

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