Friday, February 01, 2019


With Chinese New Year just a few days away... it truly is time to welcome the new year.  As much as I love putting up the Christmas tree every Thanksgiving, I have to say that putting away the Christmas decorations spark just as much joy. I get to relive the time capsule of our annual ornaments... it also allows me to declutter... spark some joy in my life... and reflect.

送舊迎新 - there's a lot to be said about that.

There's a reason why elected officials are termed out of office.  Case in point... we have several newly elected church leaders.  In their first couple of months in office... they've brought a breath of fresh air to the crew with their energy, their efficiency and their response!!  I'm saying this while monitoring, 1 by 1, Democrat candidates announcing their 2020 presidential campaigns. Ohhhhhhhhhh it's gonna be a rough 2 years.

Another case in point... I'm living in my own do-loop.  I set up roolz... only to bend/break them.  Over and over again... I commit the same sins. Step in the same trap.  Relive my same mistakes.  Give credit where credit is due... I do vow to change and be a better person.   Maybe 1-2 days...or 1-2 weeks... heck 1-2 months of improvement (rarely), I see a difference.  But there's only so much I can do before I rubber band back to my old-self.  Someone once said, "You can’t repeat the status quo and expect different results."  Or better yet... "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results."

Gotta do something more drastic.  Otherwise... I'll be writing another post in a few weeks along these same themes.  New year... new challenges.  Gotta shift Project 21 into high gear.  This is getting old, fast. 

Mood: disgusted with a very small glimmer of hope

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