Saturday, February 02, 2019

Of all the chores I hate (revisited...)

Been avoiding the much dreaded “Of all the chores I hate” for several weeks now. And like last’s piled up to 8 shirts needing to be ironed.  I considered hanging them up while taking a hot shower or spraying water on them and re-running it through the dryer as {someone} suggested.  Uhhh...yyyyyyyyyyeah.  Noo. 

So I popped open the ironing board, fired up the iron, sat down and fully embraced my personal masochism. Hey... maybe this is penance for screwing up the other day! I started with the first shirt. My beloved BR shirt that I’ve had for easily 10-12 years. Noticed the 3 coffee spots on it... and thought, “It didn’t come off. Screw it... donating it!!!"  Then my next shirt... a white-ish Ralph Lauren shirt mom got me when I was still in college. "Donating it!!" A third shirt - Brooks Brother (fancy!!) I’ve also had before Nn was born. "Donating it!!"

"Honey... I need some new shirts."  Joyce picks up the phone and starts shopping... like I can almost hear an exhale "Finally!"

And just like that... reduced my workload by 40%.  BOOM!!

Mood: cathartic

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