Monday, February 11, 2019

CNY2019 - Afterthoughts...

一年一度嘅CNY又告一段落... Some afterthoughts after another day of non-stop action.

Why oh why do I have such high demand and expectations of myself (and everyone around me).  Ohhhhhhhh.... a dear sister even asked, "Why did you have such a black face all night? No smile?"  How could I smile when there were so many miscues, so many errors, so many people NOT following directions??  I kick myself for not ruling more with an iron fist...and forcing rehearsals and pre-meetings. It will never be perfect.... not to my standards.  But in the end... none of that mattered.  Every one had a great time, I think.

Instead of always complaining, let’s just jot down the happy thoughts...

I loved how PAL wrapped up a long evening with a simple bible verse.  So much anointing when our pastor, our shepherd brings EVERYTHING back to Jesus.  I stood at the back of the stage... and felt God's presence.

I loved how our two major raffle prizes went to kids. The Steph Curry jersey went to a little boy around 7.  PAL tried to help him put on the jersey... but he promptly refused.  (HA!) The giant stuffed unicorn went to a little girl around 5.  She followed her dad up to get the prize... and hugged her new possession like it was the only thing that mattered in the world.

I loved the fact that everyone CHEERED for the Seniors line dancing and the two Seniors who sang 福音粵曲.  When 1/2 the crowd are people in their 50’s and up... you can't help but have a fan or 2...or 100.

I loved the boldness that HOC ventured in telling jokes, especially when it was Chris and Paul!!!  It's hard to tell jokes without warming up. But their timing and delivery were flawless!!  The audience, on the otherhand, simply didn't get it.

I loved how we ran out of rice... and I made the [wrong] decision to not buy more. Maybe we should have.  But hey... I've fallen into the trap before of over-buying and forcing everyone to take home food.  Lesson learned... I guess.

I loved how we expeditiously cleaned up the kitchen and sanctuary in a blink of an eye.  The whole world helped out, once again.  Including the spouses who never come to church regularly. Leaving our church cleaner than it was before we got there!

I loved how NN and Rachel Three were able to recite bible verses in Cantonese, a bold declaration of God's words.

I loved how so many people asked "Did you eat yet?" And almost made sure I had some sustenance tonight.  After only having some Pringles and a can of Izze for lunch (and breakfast)... I needed something in my system.  Nobody knows... but I stole a couple slices of pizza while no one was looking.

I loved how Joyce and Hody took charge of decorations... and worked with so many people in transforming the sanctuary into a party hall.

I loved how much mileage our CS Shirts are getting. Three acts fully made use of that as their uniforms. And to think no one will wear them after Blue Sky Sunday.

I loved the fact that I was able to leave church by 9PM.... got home ontime to put the kids down... and was able to unwind with my {BBM}. A true blessing after a wild, wild weekend.

And I love the fact... that it's 12:32AM in the morning... and I can put a final period, on yet another successful, Spirit-filled CNY.  Well into 2019... better start catching up with Project 21.  Before I know it... March will pounding on my door. 

Mood: exhausted

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