Friday, February 08, 2019

Gift Etiquette

Something I started when I officially became a technical lead... I kept the tradition of handing out lai-see to my team during Chinese New Year.  Something funny / awkward I just noticed.

I've always been taught... and I teach my kids... to never open a lai-see in front of the person who gave it to you.  Why?? Dunno. But when I handed it out to my team, mostly Caucasians, including my boss.... they opened it in front of me.  Good thing I put a $2 bill in there... so there's an element of surprise.  Had it been a $1... or even a $5, they'll shrug it off. Like that one time Dario opened it, saw a $1, and handed it to the coffee club guy. Heh..

I met with one of my Korean mentees today and gave him a lai see.  He was so surprised and elated to get a red envelope, he was smiling from ear to ear.  Then he said, "I don't know what to do. Do I open it?" I went onto explain what I teach my kids... and what my other co-workers do.  I said, “Go ahead! Open it.” He ended up saying, "Nah...I'll save it for later."  Cute kid.

Then I met with my another mentee... raised in a very traditional Chinese household. Received the lai-see, said "Thanks", and put it away.  No questions asked.

Mood: elated

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