Sunday, February 24, 2019


At our bi-monthly CS Shepherds meeting... we discussed the difference between Jesus' leadership style vs the Worldly leadership style. One particular, senior sister used the term 恩威並施 vs Jesus who is more 溫柔謙卑. While I can make an argument that Jesus' style is congrugent with our modern secular style... one can't deny that worldly leaders have earthly goals... while Jesus' goal was to lead us to our heavenly Father of the supernatural.

Another point to be made... NN was watching me prepare for my Let's Proclaim class. She heard what the other students were doing...and said, "I can probably do better, right, Bah-B?" She was partially after my affirmation and partially wanting to know that she's all-that-and-a-bag-of-chips. So I promptly deflated her ego (as most Asian parents would do) by saying, "No... you're not that good."

Hurtful, she asked, "Why?" I said, "Cuz you're not taking my class."

I spent several weeks trying to coax her to be in my class... cuz this is probably the last time I'll teach public speaking. And she finally said, "我唔take爸B個class因為我驚你太鹹." (while that's probably true... and I don' know how she knows that...) she corrected herself by saying, "喔, 係太嚴!"

So do I have a problem with 恩威並施??


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