Saturday, February 16, 2019

"Good night, sleep tight..."

"...don't let the bed bugs bite."

Ohhhhhhh.... soooo cute isn't it????  It rhymes!!!  Kids love rhymes!!!  Don't they!!?  Well... I HATE IT!!!!  HATE the mention of bed bugs!!! And the damage and havoc it can wreak on someone's life!!!!

Earlier this morning... I get a text from mom.  It turns out the reason she's been itching the past two months is because she has an infestation of bed bugs.  Where did she get them!?  How did they nest in her bed for 2 whole months without her knowing?!?  Instead of just asking, "Why..." I move forward and ask "What's next?!?"  What's next is... mom tossed her comforter and pillows.  She tossed her mattress and the wooden slats that hold up the mattress - which also happens to be the nesting ground for these vermin.

I originally went to shop for new pillows, comforter and mattress for mom. But what if the bugs are still there??? She'll end up getting chewed and nibbled on again... to only throw everything away again....for me to buy everything again.

Instead... I'm opting for a professional exterminator to perform a thorough inspection (and possibly extermination).  In the meantime, I drove out to SF, armed with eucalyptus soap and ecological friendly bug spray.  I wipe down her entire room and bed.  I spray the bed frame, floor and baseboard with the insecticide and I look high and low for any signs or remnants of bugs. Nothing.

What's worse is... her bed has these drawers which she uses for her clothes.  Who knows if the bugs laid eggs in those drawers or in her clothes!??  So now... not only do we have to buy new beddings/linens... it's a full on shopping spree for mom.  Cuz most of her clothes are wool...and can't be cooked in a high heat dryer.

Now it's a waiting game.  Waiting for the Senior Home office to open on Tuesday to plan out next steps.  In the meantime... I have this weird and awful sensation of itching everywhere!! ARGH!!!!

Mood: irrational itchiness

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