Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Lucky Number 8

8... in the Chinese culture, is a number representing Fortune.  People will fight to get an address that has "8" in it.  Or they'll snatch up all the phone numbers that have "8's", unless it's preceded by "5."  (No, this isn't a numerology post).  But it's to commemorate my baby hitting that magic number.  Mr. Happy Go Lucky.  Our little peanut.  Siu Wah.  Weh-Weh.  豬仔. And most recently... on the Disney Cruise, he earned his new nickname, "The Beast of Four Square!"  Can't help but go back to his Running Blog of when he was born.  He, who was one day late, and would've been induced on Star Wars Day.  (I've never been in more of a hurry to be late.)

Yesterday... I snuck out of work for an hour and went through thick and thin to deliver his classroom treat.  When all his classmates have Ice Cream or Cake or both... we went with his favorite.... a cheese pizza.  Not just one, but two.  Even got a candle and stuck it in the middle of the pie for him to blow out.

Looking back the past 8 years... sadly.... two memories stick out more than any.  (Sigh....)

The first one.... was one time, when we were driving somewhere, he was very disobedient and causing a racket in the back of the car.  We were about 5 blocks way from home.  I got so pissed out... I pulled over, pulled him out of the car... and walked home with him.  His little short legs had to keep up with mine.  I wasn't just walking... I was near running.  What could've been going through his mind? How scared was he? What did he do to possibly earn such treatment??

The other one... as small as it was... was once when we were going to the library.  And in his usual self, he was 1) taking forever and 2) he lost a book.  This was when he still stayed at home with Han Yi and his one outlet was going out with Bah-B when I got home.  Well... the common theme here is, I got so pissed at him... I said, "Forget it!! We're not going!!"  To which he walked into his room... sat down in a corner... and started flipping through a Spider-Man book, looking at the pictures, cuz he didn't know how to read yet.  I walked into the room and saw the saddest little face known to man.

SW is the sweetest little thing ever.  He's loved by all.  He's naturally funny.  Has a very sensitive and kind heart.  In our Disney Cruise, we were watching a pirate performance... where the bad pirate was trying to take over the ship.  But he got beaten (obviously) and he started crying... crying for his mommy.  The audience all laughed cuz it was suppose to be a comedy.  I look over to SW... and his eyes were welled up in tears.  He was sympathetic of the person crying... regardless of good or evil.  That's my SW.

I do admit... that I am biased more towards NN.  And how can I not?? She's the apple of my eye.  My princess.  Daddy's little girl.  But SW.... SW is core of this family's joy.  He brings laughter and energy and a sense of simple and naive contentment to whatever God has blessed him with.

仔, 乖仔, 爸B應承你, 我會盡我所能撫養你成仁。 不單只懂得「為國為民,俠之大者」, 而是「愛神愛人, 神國小者。」

Mood: 感恩

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