Friday, May 31, 2019

“Good Night, Sleep Tight...” 第三集、大結局

12:29PM, my phone rings. It’s a “415” number. Can it be another telemarketer? I roll the dice and take my chances.
"唔係一點咩?"  (whatever... early is good).
And within 20 minutes... they had the bed delivered, set up, cleaned up, and was gone with the wind.  $800 + $20 tip.  3 and a half months... it finally comes to an end.  Closure.  Fin.

In the end... I ended up getting the bed.  Drove up to the furniture store on Memorial Day Saturday to place the order.  In the end... I ended up delivering the pillow, comforter, beddings.  In the end... I took away the old bed.  In the end... in the end... in the end...

I am not complaining.  I shouldn't complain.  I can't complain. 十月懷胎.  I can never repay that.  Yet... she just wears my patience thin.  In so many ways.... every single button, she knows how to find and push.

I find minor consolation in having a few people that I can vent at.  And ironically... the past few times, they make me just want to hurl my phone.  Why even vent at them... they'll just make me feel like dirt. Lower than dirt.  The dirt that dirt steps on.  d-dirt.

Deep exhale.... it's over.  Mom made lunch for me.  It was a special moment for have a home cooked meal with her son.  She claims it's the first.  I know she's made me a few more meals... but I wasn't going to argue (see above).  I polished the food, drank the soup, and started troubleshooting her computer needs and filled out a bunch of forms. 

I finally make it home.. get a text from her..  Thanking us for making her bedroom, feel like a bedroom.  Why didn't I pull the trigger earlier?? Why.... 

In the end... when this is all put to bed (pun intended), I think I'm the one that can have a Good night... and Sleep tight.

Dinner Menu: 小籠飽, 紅燒牛腩面, 紅油抄手

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