Monday, July 01, 2019

"Who Was?"

"Bah B...can I ask you a question? Why do so many Christians call themselves Christians, but don't act like one?"

Wow... this question sure came from leftfield.  I gave her the modal answer - that we're all sinners and we fall short of the glory of God.

Moments later... she asks, "Does God hate rock-n-roll?"  ****SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!!!****

Who was feeding her these questions!?!??!  It turns out... she's getting these ideas from the "Who Is/Was" series that she's been reading since 2nd grade.  And this one in particular is "Who Is Bono?"  Two folds... I'm glad NN is wise enough to read something from a book... and have the discernment to come to us for questions.  Also... she is sooooooo ready for Let's Proclaim.  C'mon!!!! One more year!!! Let's do this!!!!

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