Sunday, May 09, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 237

It isn't every day... you run across a book you can't put down.  And when you do.. you want to run out and share it with everyone.  In my lifetime... there's only been several books that way, where you're reading it to a point that the blood stops flowing to your arms and it falls asleep.  That happened to me in the early 2000's when I was laid off and read 金庸 for the first time.  The most recent happening of skipping meals, sleep and family time to read... was the Percy Jackson series.

I love Greek Mythology.  Ever since big bro introduced me to it with that one book that described the Olympians.  I've poured over all the books... the fan fiction... the movies and TV shows.  And when I come across a book about demi-gods that brought the Olympians to modern day... I was in 7th heaven.  Last year... during SIP... NN finally came across these books.  And just like Star Wars... I woefully made a rule that SW can read it when he's 10.  We got the books on Sunday... and he finished 3 of them in 3 days.  I'm not sure if he's reading them or skimming them... but he's devouring them.  What's worse...(or better) is Joyce is into it too.  And what's even worse.... I'm re-reading my favorite book from that series.  Only... the 2nd time around... it's not that good. Hmm.... 

Heh... a family addiction.  Gotta love it.

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