Saturday, May 22, 2021

I'm a sucker for it...

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 250

Life has suddenly slowed down to a snail's pace. Work is about to transition. I've largely paused my way out of church activities. And I'm generally so depressed that I'm not looking for a project or two to start on, yet. So at night... I suddenly have some time to Netflix surf. Or Hulu surf. Or Prime video surf. (Not Disney+ surf... there's nothing of interest on there except for Star Wars).

Again and again... I find myself drifting back to Rom Com's. What is it with these fairy tale stories? Boy meets girl.  Boy falls for girl.  Boy goes after girl.  Boy loses girl.  Boy... more often than not... ends up with girl.  Maybe... it's just the mood it evokes insofar as I get a boost of happy-feeling.  I don't want a murder mystery keeping me up at night. I don't want to fall asleep with explosions or murders or heists.  Just something that feels good.

I love Julia Roberts.  She is a goddess from her looks alone (I think). But it's her acting ability.  The turn of the face.  The movement out of the corners of her eyes.  The mischievous raising of the eyebrows while revealing those signature pearly whites.  

I love Tom Hanks.  His goofy puffing of the cheeks.  The shaking of his head while he searches for his lines.  The down to earth look of awestruck when he realizes the girl standing in front of him is the oasis in his desert.  

I love serendipity... where it was happenstance or divine intervention... that two people happen to bump into each other in a nonassuming cafe.

I love childhood sweethearts and best friends going through the turmoils of their own lives only to realize that their soulmates were under their noses all this time.  

I love the extending of a hand to grasp another.. and the look of "Really?! Really?? Finally.... no more playing hard to get." Reciprocated with an extension of a mutual limb to secure each other in this world of loneliness.  

Deep down... I think everyone deserves their own love story.  And as the name of the genre says it... let's have a laugh along the way.  Because if you can't laugh at yourself... what is there really to laugh about aferall? 

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