Friday, May 07, 2021

I just like playing

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 235

You don't want it to ever happen to you... or worse yet... your kid. But to see your son being "that kid", the one that inadvertently get picked on in school... is heart breaking and gut-wrenching.  It's genetics... it's nature... he's just short.  And when you play with boys... the rules of the playground dictates the bigger, faster, stronger boys will dominate.  It's part of growing up... you will encounter this in life sooner or later.  Whether it's classism.  Sexism.  Racism.  Learning to deal with it is a life long journey.

After 2-3 rounds of this "game" they were playing... I saw enough and grabbed SW to head home.  I asked him, "That game you're playing... sure looked silly.  Why do you even play with them?" "I dunno... I just like playing."  

Then he goes off on how the other boys cheat and complains.  And SW is one of the biggest cream puffs out there.  He'll never argue.  But he just wants to play.  

Sigh... Is he really that pure and naive where he is having fun? Or is he at a point where... to fit in... to be part of the crowd... he's willing to get picked on, stepped on, taken advantage of? 

What does the parenting book say about this one....? Hmm.... 

<writer's block>

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