Saturday, May 08, 2021

The Minority

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 236

This mom at school continues to text me... saying there are appointments open.  We had a church meeting and even the leaders are saying, "Everyone's vaccinated now... why aren't people headed back to church?" At work... they're "highly encouraging" everyone to get vaccinated and fill out a "voluntary" form to help with planning. 

While I know many are educated... I can't help but think that there's a minority that believe the vaccine will give you COVID immunity.  When it actually... all it's doing is reducing your symptoms.  You can still be infected... you can still be a carrier.  If anything.. the vaccine can give people the false sense of security.  And in these meetings... I'm going to stay very, very quiet.  Until you overstep... and then I'll unleash my wrath unto you.  

<writer's block>

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