Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Reggie!! Reggie!!

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 247

In spite of COVID, been so many years... years!!! I finally made it back to a public court for some pickup basketball.  

My rhythm was off.  My lungs were burning.  My feet were weighed down with concrete. For moments there... I couldn't buy a basket.  Then after those embarrassing, awkward moments... my DNA kicked in.  Like riding a bike... swoosh... swoosh... swoosh.  Nothing but net (with an occasional airball).  For those few moments... "Reggie" was back, the name I earned when playing pickup ball in my early 20's.  

Then they wanted to play 2 on 1.  Really?!?!? You're gonna pick on an out of shape, old man with back problems? Fine.  Bring it.  You wanna drive into my house. IN YO FACE!!!  

Today... "Reggie" was king of the hill.  

Today... "Reggie" was the man of da house.

Today... "Reggie" defeated SW and NN.  

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