Friday, May 28, 2021


COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 257

Growing up... mom (and almost all moms) would love to suck on a fish head for dinner. It's satisfying.. tasty... full of juice.. full of essence. And yet.. it has zero nutrients.. next to no meat... and is highly disgusting. Then why do mom's do it? For the same reason.. when we have bulgogi for dinner... I would cut off the meat fot the fam... and gnaw and nibble on the bones.  Is it really that good... course not.  Who doesn't want to sink their teeth into a mouth full of juicy meat? Rather... we tear off the little meat and cartilage there is left and allow the sauce to wash down the rice in our bowls. All... in hopes that the kids and spouse gets a good dinner.

We do it.. cuz we love them. No... this isn't a piece that's inadverntely praising myself. Cheers to all moms and dads... who choose to give up the choice dinner, for what's leftover.

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