Sunday, May 23, 2021

Speed up to slow down...

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 251

It has come to my attention.. that life.. is moving so fast. NN is already in middle school. SW will be in 5th grade this year. Before we know it.. we'll be studying for SATs, going on college tours, picking out prom dresses and renting tuxes... and all this... will be done while we spend more than 1/3 of our days in our car, stuck in traffic, listening to an audio book or KLOVE.  During COVID, we've adopted a family practice of going hiking or at least walking together... to spend time together.  But all those times... we'll drive there, walk while the kids grumble... and drive home in time for them to hop on their devices.  

So today... I thought.. let's walk to downtown Campbell for lunch, then walk back.  We're going to walk anyways.  We're going to eat anyways.  Why not just walk??  We have a destination.  We have a goal.  We have a reward going one way and another coming back.  

Course... they complained.  Obviously... they grumbled.  And even with my explanation.. that we need to slow down and not let life pass in front of us... they were not truly satisfied.  We got home.. and indeed... they hopped on Netflix or their devices again.  I think... these are the afternoons that'll be etched in our shallow memories of spending time together as a family.  

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