Sunday, June 13, 2021


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 273

At a call from PAL and C-mo. They wanted to talk.

I guess they sensed something was wrong... and I would give them a gold-star... if anything... for trying.  No... I'm not holding a grudge or hiding any ill-wills against anyone.  Credit them for noticing and taking immediate action.  It truly is a blessing that someone would notice and reach out right away.  This is beyond any leadership course on Empathy or Emotional Intelligence.  But it's just a matter of caring... and I can say... I sit on a different tier and class than most other people.  

It turned out to be a venting session for all parties... but in the end.. I have to recognize and acknowledge that my pastor... the ones who are charged with caring for their sheep... reached out to care for me.  I will not take that for granted...and I know that this isn't something that everyone else gets.  To be open... to be "naked" enough to have a dialogue about things... that's what true leadership is.  

I can only imagine how many private conversations Jesus had with his 12.  I have zero hesitation that God put me in this church-family to bless me and show me what a community ought to be.  And if I need to take this type of caring to my next destination than that will easily be my next step. 

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