Monday, June 14, 2021

Just move it, already!!

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 274

Pet Peeve #97 - if something is in your way... move it OUT OF YOUR WAY.  It'll serve you better.  And serve you well.

Case in point... a chair is jutted out in the dining room.  You walk by twice... but have to dance around it.  Why don't you just scoot the chair back in?  

Case in point... you're doing dim sum on a lazy susan. For some weird reason... the dim sum lady puts in out of reach of anyone.  You see that anyone who wants that dim sum have to stand up and reach for it... why not just scoot the bamboo basket closer for yourself and anyone else to follow??

Case in point... same lazy susan... the soy sauce/chili sauce/salt and pepper rack is block people from snatching their aforementioned dim sum.  Why can't you just push it closer to the center, out of everyone's way??

Why can't people simply be more considerate??  Make life easier for yourself...and each other. 

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