Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Art of Not Caring

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 270

I ask myself... why am I so high-strung? demanding? strict? Why do I care??

I see some of my friends... I see Grace... their kids are.... wild. And they don't say anything. They let kids be kids. Everyone is happy. Then there's me. There's SW... who once again.. violated the sacred sanctity of the dinner table. He was in the middle of a battle on his Switch so he brought it to the dinner table. It was one more match... can't I just let the guy finish his game? Have his fun? I tried to keep it in... and for the most part... I succeeded. But I didn't... I got pissed anyways.. but I didn't yell at him. I simply clammed up and shut up due to the pent up anger. C'mon dude!!! Pause the game for just 15 minutes. Can you do just that?? Play after dinner. Why do I do this to myself?? Why do I even care??

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