Saturday, June 12, 2021


 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 272

I knew it was gonna happen... 2 hours set aside on a Saturday... and it ended up being something that could've been accomplished over email. Why did PAL have to call a meeting? I'm still wondering. As expected... he spent half the time having everyone do a bit of sharing. Which is fine... but 50% of the meeting time was already gone. Artificial relationship building is exactly what that is... artificial. Can't fault the guy for trying... but as I forewarned him... with a full agenda... you won't have time to discuss anything. And as it turned out... it ended up being him statusing us on the latest, rather than planning, strategizing and preparing for the next phase. So inefficient.... so wasted. If this was work... I would pull him aside and give him a good talking-to.... this isn't how you run a team.

But... what can I do.. but shake my head... and move on. Ah yes... the art of moving on. Sounds familiar.

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