Thursday, June 03, 2021

T's & C's

 COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 263

Since when did installing software come with that screen of terms and conditions that you have to click "Acknowledge?" Probably when people started complaining and suing saying, "I didn't know your software was gonna do XYZ!"  Or "You didn't specifically say ABC was going to happen."  

Well, what about friendships and companionships? Do we need T's & C's? Isn't there just some fundamental understanding that when you share something, say something, it shouldn’t be reshared? "Well... you didn't say I couldn't share."  Or "I didn't think that was a secret...."  

My fault for not stipulating these things.  Or maybe... the whole, "Don't tell anyone about this but..." is just an empty promise anyways   People click the "Acknowledge" button and don’t read the terms and conditions anyways...

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