Friday, June 11, 2021

The Art of... Moving On

COVID19 - School Closure - Day 157 School Reopens - Day 271

On the night my beautiful and wonderful sister-(in-law) graduated with her MBA... we find out that her ex is now engaged. "I'm happy for him, really."  And in a way... I find that to be the truth.  It's time to move on and not dwell in the past.  The past got us here... it has every meaning and every fold of memories.  But let the past be the past... and let's focus on now... and look towards the future.

I couldn't help but ask... "Did you measure yourself up to her?"  cuz I truly think the world of my sister-(in-law). Her response was classic.... "No, cuz I don't really care."  Then her next response just anted up on her priceless answer.  "I did say... 'I'm their mom. No one else.' "  

So maybe... it's just time to move on. 

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