Friday, December 31, 2021

68,000 steps later

First time since 2019 in Florida... and first time since 2014... we're back at the Happiest Place on Earth. No, not Costco, though we did go there for a $4.99 chicken on our first dinner with some microwaveable rice.  We were back at Disneyland and California Adventures.  I was dead against it.  Everyone I mentioned it to said that's the busiest week of the year.  I keep on checking the weather and every day, the forecast was at least 90% rain.  I didn't eve want to ask about the ticket and hotel prices.  But alas... Joyce wanted to experience Christmas at Disney.  

There were some highs and lows.  Definitely more highs... as with all Disney memories.  right? (Maybe)

Some of the lows...  It was as if the Disney gods timed it where California can reverse the drought by pounding 3 years worth of rain within one week.  Getting drenched and walking around with soaked shoes and socks in the freezing cold - not magical. Or how about that 4 hour wait because Disney can't freaking get their act together for the Lightning Lane while a ride breaks down.  We literally just stood there for hours without moving - not magical.  The picture on my mobile app for the teriyaki chicken over rice was heavenly.  What appeared on my tray at the pickup counter came straight out of a high school cafeteria - not magical. People still can't drive... everyone wants to overtake you with just half a car space - it was magic we didn't crash.  Galaxy Edge was still meh... as were Smugglers Run and Rise of the Resistance.  And the Genie Pass... what a rip off.  Coming down with a friggin cold during the entire trip - it was magic it wasn't Omicron.  

Some of the highs... getting to do Rise of the Resistance (as meh as it was).  Getting to visit Avengers Campus, doing Webslingers (as meh as THAT was) and eating a Shawarma.  Siu Wah finally getting to do an upside down roller coaster (3x).  Getting out of Toy Story mania... just in time to catch Incredicoaster opening, thereby cutting our wait from the usual 60 minutes to a mere 10 minutes.  Can't complain too much about the wait in line... both kids have amazing patience and we had so much fun as a family. The clam chowder in a breadbowl at 50 degree weather.  Reliving some of the previous experiences.... when NN was 3 and we had lunch with the princesses.  Or when she was 5 and I took her to watch the fireworks while running 102 degree fever. Joyce for her tireless planning... A for effort. (Maybe a B for execution.) Heh.... Free breakfast at Embassy Suites (along with free happy hour). 

And finally.... after 3 days of walking, standing, walking and standing some more... after 68,000 total steps... the one magical Disney moment for me this time... Night 1... after the fireworks on Mainstreet... all the lights were off except a low calming blue... the speakers were blasting "I'm... dreaming of a Whiiiiiiiiiiite.... Chriiiiiistmaaaaaaaas."  as the heavens opened up and down came white snow.  Magical. 

When's the next time we'll be back??  I surmise... our next Disney trip will be Aulani or perhaps another cruise.  The next time we're back in Anaheim???  It'll be far too soon. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Went to dinner with two of my BFF's..... my college roommates and their wives.

It's like time never stopped and we picked up where we left off.  I look up to the heavens and thank the Lord for blessing me with these men.

But in the midst of my thanksgiving... tonight.. I find out that our former boss at HP... thought that SSF and I were a "thing!"  I mean... "not that there's anything wrong with it...." but did we really exude that aura????  We were roommates.... BFF's..... co-workers that shared an apartment.  

If I really were.....happy..... would I pick Mark?? Would he pick me?? Geeeez... Louissssse... 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Caroling

We only had 1 other family going.  I pretty much wanted to cancel our fellowship caroling.  What's 4 adults and 3 kids gonna do??  Well........  

Yesterday evening... Enoch Fellowship sent me a bunch of pics of them caroling to the elderly.  The 103 year old 黃太。 The hairstylist 李月芳 - who came to Sunday Service today.  (not a coincident).  Leo's mom.... and the picture that spoke a thousand words of the joy she was exuding.  Caroling... it's not just about singing songs.  

Then I thought... for the Gas Stations on Christmas Eve, it'll only be Keno and Peter/Stella.  Two families.  They're still going.  Chen's and Leung's.... what's stopping us??  

Even this morning... I told Joyce... "Let's just cancel it."  She said, "Yea." 

But lo and behold... when I asked the Chen's if they still wanted to go... seeing it was just us, they said, "Let's do it."  

And then... we grabbed William to join us.  8 of us.  Standing in front of Lion City.  A half empty parking lot with nearly no foot traffic.  

We got there early... so the kids and I "rehearsed."  Then Tall Ken and Tobrian shows up... and he wants us to do 12 days of Christmas with hand motions!!!  

What started out as a doubtful, insignificant event that almost didn't happen... turned out to be 15 minutes of joy and sweat.  I was sweating at the end of the caroling set.  The kids.. they don't know any better.  Caroling is caroling.  Me??? I was on the lookout for any suspicious or dangerous activities from panhandlers and homeless people.  And.... I was given a lesson by God.  

It's not about you.  It's about me. 

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Top 10 of the last 10

Youtube surfing today... and came across a video.  The top 10 best selling songs of from 2010-2020 bassed on IFPI.  Starting in the 2013, it included streaming.

This is literally my entire parental career. Starting in 2009, when NN was born all the way till last year.  Do I know these artists? These songs? The 2010 and 2011... I actually had a good chance of recognizing 5-6 per year.  Starting in 2012... that number dwindled down to 3-4.  Around 2015-2016... it swung down to 1-2.  (including Let it Go!!)  Then in 2017ish... it started to pick up again.  

Some of the songs I think are recent (2019? 2020?) are actually from the early teens!!  A few of the best selling songs actually made it on the list twice... meaning they had an initial spike and for whatever reason, made a comeback a year later.  Two of the 100 songs.... CHINESE!!!!  Of course, there was Gangnam Style and BTS - Dynamite. I guess the I in IFPI is international. 

The funny thing was... SW watched it with me.  And where I knew about 20-30% of the songs... he knows about 60-70% of the songs.  How?!?!? We pretty much control all of his entertainment.  Don't we???? 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

A little goes a long way...

Earlier tonight... I was at Costco doing some extra holiday shopping and I was in "one of those moods."  No... not one of THOSE moods. But one of THOSE moods.

I walked up the ramp and saw a Costco worker in a yellow vest pushing carts.  I went over and said, "Hey! You're doing an awesome job. Keep up the good work.  Merry Christmas."  

Then as I grabbed my cart... I saw a dad holding a baby in his hand.  I handed him my cart.  But my cart was full of garbage.  So I rolled it away and grabbed another one for him.  He stared at me wondering what I was doing.  "It's yours!"  "Thanks." "Merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas."

Walk into Costco...flashed my card to the door checker. "Merry Christmas!!"  (wave.)

It was a quick stroll through the aisles. The checkout line was expedient. Separated by a foggy plexi-glass, I screamed, "Thank you! Merry Christmas!"

Walking through the receipt checker... I come across a young lady wearing a sweatshirt that read "Kirkland."  "I love your sweater! Where'd you get it?" "Here...but it's sold out." "Ok... thanks.  And Merry Christmas!!"  "Merry Christmas to you too, sir."  

If I wasn't wearing a mask...they woulda seen my genuine smile.  Hopefully.. my voice was able to carry that inaudible smile. Sometimes... all it takes are too simple words... and a little, goes a long way. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Global Supply Chain issues

Costco... Target... Big Lots... Walmart... Smart and Final.  All out of candy canes!! Talk about supply chain issues.  heh...

Not only are candy canes out... for some reason, the entire world is giving out goodie bags this Christmas.  I thought I was setting the trend... turns out I'm just a follower. 

I went to Costco and Walmart to get all these goodies... and now I have to return them.  Cuz the only bags I found are too small!!  Ah wellz.... good things come in small packages, right? 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Sugar Free

For Thanksgiving... we handed out Blessings Bags with sugar filled goodies.  One family emailed us asking us to no longer give these bags to their elderly mom. I can only assume that it's cuz there's too much unhealthiness in the snacks.. causing a division in the family.  So for Christmas... we're seeking to look for "healthy" snacks.  Sugar free. Sodium free. Fat free.

Ohhhh how expensive the food can been.  And how disgusting. I went to so many stores looking for these snacks.. is "snacks" even the proper term to use.  As Americans...we put such a premium to eat healthy. Heh.. but alas.. I found a brand.. a batch of sugar free items that's affordable.  Ohhhhh....  

Tuesday, December 07, 2021

Second Harvest Food Bank

If it's slow... you can't hurry it.  If it's fast... it's a runaway train.  The food sorting assembly line at the Second Harvest Food Bank is unforgiving. I was responsible for scooping apples into a box full of corn, onion, cucumbers and cauliflowers.  These boxes will go to folks in need in the next 24-48 hours.

We started around 2pm... and I couldn't engage in small talk with my neighbor.  There was too much going on.  Every now and then, I'll take a look at the clock, longing for a break. My teammates were screaming at me to hurry up... and I felt like I was failing them.  Yet... I longed to take my time... but I would be failing myself.

My arm was tired.  6-7 apples don't weigh a whole lot.  But after the repetitive motion continues for 2 full hours, it builds on you.  My back was hurting from leaning over to scoop. And dog gone it... the National Guard who was suppose to partner with me was NOT helping.  Every time I had to swap carts... I was slowing everybody down.  Wasn't that his job?? I turn back to look...and he's on his phone.  C'mon man!! We got 40 pallets to build!!

At the end... we packed over 27,000 lbs of food, 

What an experience. 

Friday, December 03, 2021

Cafe au Lait

Not for the caffeine, it’s the full, coffee house experience. Incessant grinding of beans. Murmurs of men talking business. Giggles from the high schoolers Tik-toking. My safe haven for the next two hours as I check eHarmony and updates before the start of another lonely day. Celeste greets me with a Cafe au Lait without me ordering.

“Venti Decaffe, black, please.”

Shivers run through my spine as I steal a glance over to see who would submit themselves to hot, bitter, brown water without the boost. My heart skips a beat, not from the caffeine, but the most gorgeous living creature to walk on earth peppers my gaze, looks away, and sneaks another a peek. The corners of her lips raises while a shy dimple sucks me in like a black hole. I spot someone get up so I make a zag to grab 3 packs of Splenda and claim my spot, our spot. I’m stirring in my Splenda, blending in cream with sugar when I hear, “This seat taken?” I glance up to see that God spent a little more time on this one. Black coffee in one hand, Wall Street Journal in another, and a pair of dark chocolate eyes that stares directly into my soul.

“Actually.. it is.”

I lied. Who in the world drinks decaffe, black, no less?! <Swipe Left>

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Pick one super power

When asked "What is one Super Power you would want?" My answer will undoubtedly be "The Super Human power to Love." (Awwww.... or Barrrrrrrrrrfff... Heh). I always thought that was a clever answer and no one can trump or defeat me.  
Recently, I found out that Dragon Ball Super, the sequel to Dragon Ball Z, has a character who has exactly that power - The Power of Joy and Love!! Someone stole my idea!! I should have copyrighted it.  


While one would think there's no way you can defeat the Power of Love ("Love never fails." ~1 Cor 13:8), Brianne actually ends up losing when she sees the love shared between Android 18 and Kirin being true agape love, not her shallow, superficial eros love. Heh... And with any Dragon Ball series... the true winner will always be Gokou. Not a spoiler.


Wednesday, December 01, 2021


One of the greatest inventions of modern digital media is the 1.5x.  You can watch Netflix shows, listen to podcasts, listen to online sermons!!~ at 1.5x the normal speed.  Can shave off a 1 hour podcast in roughly 45 minutes.  BAM!!! I just saved 15 minutes of my life to waste on surfing the web.  

Today... I decided to listen to my normal podcasts on normal, 1.0x and realized... "Dang, theeeeey aaaarrrrreeee soooooo slllllloooooowwwww."  Heh.  When teaching public speaking, that's my very first lesson, and very first reminder for every lesson thereafter.  Slllllllooooowwwww doooooowwwwwnnnn.

I needa rethink that now.