Saturday, December 18, 2021

Top 10 of the last 10

Youtube surfing today... and came across a video.  The top 10 best selling songs of from 2010-2020 bassed on IFPI.  Starting in the 2013, it included streaming.

This is literally my entire parental career. Starting in 2009, when NN was born all the way till last year.  Do I know these artists? These songs? The 2010 and 2011... I actually had a good chance of recognizing 5-6 per year.  Starting in 2012... that number dwindled down to 3-4.  Around 2015-2016... it swung down to 1-2.  (including Let it Go!!)  Then in 2017ish... it started to pick up again.  

Some of the songs I think are recent (2019? 2020?) are actually from the early teens!!  A few of the best selling songs actually made it on the list twice... meaning they had an initial spike and for whatever reason, made a comeback a year later.  Two of the 100 songs.... CHINESE!!!!  Of course, there was Gangnam Style and BTS - Dynamite. I guess the I in IFPI is international. 

The funny thing was... SW watched it with me.  And where I knew about 20-30% of the songs... he knows about 60-70% of the songs.  How?!?!? We pretty much control all of his entertainment.  Don't we???? 

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