Wednesday, December 01, 2021


One of the greatest inventions of modern digital media is the 1.5x.  You can watch Netflix shows, listen to podcasts, listen to online sermons!!~ at 1.5x the normal speed.  Can shave off a 1 hour podcast in roughly 45 minutes.  BAM!!! I just saved 15 minutes of my life to waste on surfing the web.  

Today... I decided to listen to my normal podcasts on normal, 1.0x and realized... "Dang, theeeeey aaaarrrrreeee soooooo slllllloooooowwwww."  Heh.  When teaching public speaking, that's my very first lesson, and very first reminder for every lesson thereafter.  Slllllllooooowwwww doooooowwwwwnnnn.

I needa rethink that now.

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