Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Caroling

We only had 1 other family going.  I pretty much wanted to cancel our fellowship caroling.  What's 4 adults and 3 kids gonna do??  Well........  

Yesterday evening... Enoch Fellowship sent me a bunch of pics of them caroling to the elderly.  The 103 year old 黃太。 The hairstylist 李月芳 - who came to Sunday Service today.  (not a coincident).  Leo's mom.... and the picture that spoke a thousand words of the joy she was exuding.  Caroling... it's not just about singing songs.  

Then I thought... for the Gas Stations on Christmas Eve, it'll only be Keno and Peter/Stella.  Two families.  They're still going.  Chen's and Leung's.... what's stopping us??  

Even this morning... I told Joyce... "Let's just cancel it."  She said, "Yea." 

But lo and behold... when I asked the Chen's if they still wanted to go... seeing it was just us, they said, "Let's do it."  

And then... we grabbed William to join us.  8 of us.  Standing in front of Lion City.  A half empty parking lot with nearly no foot traffic.  

We got there early... so the kids and I "rehearsed."  Then Tall Ken and Tobrian shows up... and he wants us to do 12 days of Christmas with hand motions!!!  

What started out as a doubtful, insignificant event that almost didn't happen... turned out to be 15 minutes of joy and sweat.  I was sweating at the end of the caroling set.  The kids.. they don't know any better.  Caroling is caroling.  Me??? I was on the lookout for any suspicious or dangerous activities from panhandlers and homeless people.  And.... I was given a lesson by God.  

It's not about you.  It's about me. 

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