Friday, December 31, 2021

68,000 steps later

First time since 2019 in Florida... and first time since 2014... we're back at the Happiest Place on Earth. No, not Costco, though we did go there for a $4.99 chicken on our first dinner with some microwaveable rice.  We were back at Disneyland and California Adventures.  I was dead against it.  Everyone I mentioned it to said that's the busiest week of the year.  I keep on checking the weather and every day, the forecast was at least 90% rain.  I didn't eve want to ask about the ticket and hotel prices.  But alas... Joyce wanted to experience Christmas at Disney.  

There were some highs and lows.  Definitely more highs... as with all Disney memories.  right? (Maybe)

Some of the lows...  It was as if the Disney gods timed it where California can reverse the drought by pounding 3 years worth of rain within one week.  Getting drenched and walking around with soaked shoes and socks in the freezing cold - not magical. Or how about that 4 hour wait because Disney can't freaking get their act together for the Lightning Lane while a ride breaks down.  We literally just stood there for hours without moving - not magical.  The picture on my mobile app for the teriyaki chicken over rice was heavenly.  What appeared on my tray at the pickup counter came straight out of a high school cafeteria - not magical. People still can't drive... everyone wants to overtake you with just half a car space - it was magic we didn't crash.  Galaxy Edge was still meh... as were Smugglers Run and Rise of the Resistance.  And the Genie Pass... what a rip off.  Coming down with a friggin cold during the entire trip - it was magic it wasn't Omicron.  

Some of the highs... getting to do Rise of the Resistance (as meh as it was).  Getting to visit Avengers Campus, doing Webslingers (as meh as THAT was) and eating a Shawarma.  Siu Wah finally getting to do an upside down roller coaster (3x).  Getting out of Toy Story mania... just in time to catch Incredicoaster opening, thereby cutting our wait from the usual 60 minutes to a mere 10 minutes.  Can't complain too much about the wait in line... both kids have amazing patience and we had so much fun as a family. The clam chowder in a breadbowl at 50 degree weather.  Reliving some of the previous experiences.... when NN was 3 and we had lunch with the princesses.  Or when she was 5 and I took her to watch the fireworks while running 102 degree fever. Joyce for her tireless planning... A for effort. (Maybe a B for execution.) Heh.... Free breakfast at Embassy Suites (along with free happy hour). 

And finally.... after 3 days of walking, standing, walking and standing some more... after 68,000 total steps... the one magical Disney moment for me this time... Night 1... after the fireworks on Mainstreet... all the lights were off except a low calming blue... the speakers were blasting "I'm... dreaming of a Whiiiiiiiiiiite.... Chriiiiiistmaaaaaaaas."  as the heavens opened up and down came white snow.  Magical. 

When's the next time we'll be back??  I surmise... our next Disney trip will be Aulani or perhaps another cruise.  The next time we're back in Anaheim???  It'll be far too soon. 

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