Friday, December 03, 2021

Cafe au Lait

Not for the caffeine, it’s the full, coffee house experience. Incessant grinding of beans. Murmurs of men talking business. Giggles from the high schoolers Tik-toking. My safe haven for the next two hours as I check eHarmony and updates before the start of another lonely day. Celeste greets me with a Cafe au Lait without me ordering.

“Venti Decaffe, black, please.”

Shivers run through my spine as I steal a glance over to see who would submit themselves to hot, bitter, brown water without the boost. My heart skips a beat, not from the caffeine, but the most gorgeous living creature to walk on earth peppers my gaze, looks away, and sneaks another a peek. The corners of her lips raises while a shy dimple sucks me in like a black hole. I spot someone get up so I make a zag to grab 3 packs of Splenda and claim my spot, our spot. I’m stirring in my Splenda, blending in cream with sugar when I hear, “This seat taken?” I glance up to see that God spent a little more time on this one. Black coffee in one hand, Wall Street Journal in another, and a pair of dark chocolate eyes that stares directly into my soul.

“Actually.. it is.”

I lied. Who in the world drinks decaffe, black, no less?! <Swipe Left>

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