Saturday, January 29, 2022

Continuous Improvement

Spent a good portion of today studying the SSAT's with SW.  We went over the Writing section... of how he'll be given two prompts to choose one... and how he should brainstorm, outline before drafting and finally proofreading.  Then we dove into Analogies... to which he scored 50% both times he tested... and to which I could've done at most... 10% better.  

But the alarming thing was... I was brought back to 2 years ago when I was doing the same thing with NN.  I was impatient, short-tempered and literally made my daughter cry when I drilled her in the very same exercises.  Conversely, 2 years later, SW and I are laughing and giggling the entire way.  I quickly walked over to NN, apologized and gave her a hug.  She aptly returned the hug... but raising the question, "Why didn't I get that same treatment?"

Ohhhh how far I've come as a person and as a father.  

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