Sunday, January 16, 2022

The lowest just got lower

By 9PM, she was curled up in bed in the fetal position.  I ask what's wrong? She says, "I'm sad about basketball, daddy."  Then the next hour... it's me listening and trying to console my crying baby of why she got demoted. 

Sometimes, there just aren't any reasons.  Life is unfair.  The system was unfair. You may not have been the worst skilled player.  But sometimes, a decision needs to be made.  There are many silver linings.  It's a learning experience.  You go from a mediocre player to one of, if not, THE best player on the team.  You're going to be their leader, their captain.  You'll grow more from this than being on Team A.  So many things that logically make sense, but emotionally... will never penetrate that iron shield around her heart.

I couldn't be a coach.  I needed to be daddy.  I needed to listen. Words won't console that tiny, little shattered heart.  Only time will mend these wounds.  And of course... in my heart... I'm screaming out for Jesus. 

Ohhhhh.... just when you think you've bottomed out.  The lowest, just got lower. 

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