Friday, January 14, 2022

I can't give 200%!!

This morning... NN was still complaining, still fuming, still at a lost of what happened.

Then she started complaining about yesterday's "17" drill - where the players sprint 17x back and forth side line to side line.  After they were done...  Coach Mike said a lot of players didn't do it right... and had them do it again.

NN said that's not fair.  She already gave 100% on the first "17." And she can't give 200% cuz the other teammates are lazy.  

TEACHING MOMENT: You live as a team, you die as a team. #BOOM

And that opened the door for so many other lessons.  Leadership... carrying the team... encouraging others...  The exact reason why I so longed her to join organized team sport... ohhhhh.... Yes, this demotion sucks.  

How I long for the day when she can proclaim, "When I thought I was spent... my team needed me... and I found the inner strength and was able to give 200%!!!"

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