Saturday, January 01, 2022

Looking back at 2021

My favorite post of the year... Looking back.  Every year... I've had the luxury and honor of looking back at 365 days of highs and lows to recount the 10 moments which shaped my year.  How I love to re-read my own blog posts to remember, re-traverse, reminisce, and by God's grace, relive those moments in time. 


I famously kicked off the year by saying, "For the first time in human history, we can truly say that 2020." Unbeknownst to us... 2021 kicked our butts the same if not harder than 2020.  It was the year some of us welcomed a new president, but along the way, experienced one of the most shameful moments in US history when protesters stormed our very own US Capitol. 2021 saw Cancel Culture bloom and Wake Culture blossom, taking along with it... statues, monuments, street names, school names and household names including Dr. Seuss, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Diane Feinstein, and Mr. Potato Head. Ironically, it was the year where an impeachment was unsuccessful, nor was the California recall of Gavin Newsom. In the midst of all that... we found a glimpse of justice in the verdict of the death of George Floyd...finding little relief in a societal imbalance that can't possibly be nullified with one trial.  That courtroom, along side other courtrooms, came into the spotlight, most notably with the topic of Abortion where states like Texas passed the Heartbeat Act, and with a Conservative Supreme Court, might actually, finally, overturn Roe v Wade. (never in my lifetime...??). After an endless time of occupation... 2021 was the year American troops finally withdrew from Afghanistan... only to see the paper government collapse and offered us a modern day version of the Fall of Saigon. Speaking of fall... who can forget the ominous rise (and fall) of banal stocks like GameStop and AMC... as the people (via Reddit), dished it to the top 3%, causing a frenzy and halt in "free"-market trading. The world united as one during those few weeks of the Olympics as Japan limped to the finish line or the podium stand... while goliaths such as Simeon Biles announced to the world that "it's OK to not be OK." Humankind shot to new heights... as numerous NASA missions blasted to Mars, to the moon to an asteroid and even launched the first of several leisure space travels via Virgin, Space X and Blue Origins.  A historic season of 107 wins by your mediocre San Francisco Giants... in the midst of vaccine roll outs... only to be punched in the face by Delta (July) and then again Omicron (November). To that fateful date in June... when at work I found myself taking a piss... with another man.... taking a piss in the same bathroom.  Whoa.... 

Moving to my own personal top 10.  

10)  270 

9) 遙距居家令風雲 

8) Audit to Quality -  After 4 years of being in Audit... I was moved into my current role of Quality Assurance.  Another dicey career move, I must say.  Those first three months were brutal having to rebuild my production stamina.  Where will this path lead??? 

7) Tahoe Trip 

6) 68,000 Steps

5) Tweenage daughter - Not one event that stands out but they're all little strands of thread, interwoven into a tapestry of fatherly failures but Godly grace. 

4) Beat that Wall

3) Relocation 

2) It is finished 

1) Spirit of Hecker Award

And deary me... as I'm crossing my eyes and dotting my tees... I just realized I didn't do a "Looking back at the 2010's" post, like I did with "A look back at the 2000's".  Dare I try??? 

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