Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Next lesson, humility...

I walked into the gym in time for the 4th quarter of Team C.  I look up at the scoreboard and it's 35-3.  OMG.... Our Knights weren't just losing... they were sent packing with their bags on a one way ticket to Timbuktu.

No... that's not our team.  NN's team is Team B.  After that shellacking... there's no where to go but up.  

After about 5 minutes of warm up...and stretches... and shooting... we were up.  Coach Mike named his starting 5.  And NN was tagged as #1... the Point Guard.  She has no idea what that is...or what that means.  But after the tip off... when the opposing team missed their first basket and we drove the distant of the court... NN got the first basket in Team B history.  And we were up... 2-0.  

That will be the only time we led in the game.  The rest of the game was one sided.  Sacred Heart's players were taller and faster.  They were a little unpolished... like us.  But just by sheer physicality, we didn't stand a chance.  

I couldn't have been more proud when NN saw an open lane and drove in the house for a layup (which she missed).

She had the tenacity to fight the ball which resulted in a 1 for 1 (which she missed).

In the final seconds of the game... the best players of the opposing team says, "I got #8."  

It was clear... the star of the team.... was NN.  

Final score... 22-10.  

We were humiliated... yet... we hold our heads high.  Double digits.  We got to double digits.  Everyone got into the game.  Our middle ground players now knows what it means to play defense.  And most importantly... the team now knows why we do the cardio/conditioning drills.  They were gassed!!!

But on the drive home... NN couldn't stop talking about herself.  About how good she was (she scored 2 points).  About how she's the commander on the court (she barely spoke up).  About how they double teamed her (It's easy when the other members of your team stand and do nothing).  The next lesson for NN... after some ball handling lessons... is humility.  

Know that you're good (among your peers), but also know you have waaaaaaaaaaaaaays to go. 

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