Thursday, January 06, 2022

The Sin of Over-Admiring

"This is my beloved son... "

Twice this words rang in the gospel... when Jesus was baptized and at the Transfiguration, when Peter wanted to build three tents for Moses, Elijah and Jesus.  So much can be read from this... including the take where Peter was sooooo enjoying his heavenly experience, he didn't want it to end.  To a point where God the Father spoke up to remind him... "Wooooaaaahhhh cowboy... don't halt him from his mission to the cross!" 

Then we have the apostles staring up as Jesus ascended to the heavens in Acts 1 and a couple of angels said, "Why are you staring at the sky?" 

How dare I say that we spend too much time admiring God's glory..  that maybe we are actually using that as an excuse to not move on with our ministry and mission? 

Maybe it's a speaker? A pastor? Stream of Praise? SJCAC worship teams? Do self proclaimed Christians... tip the balance to a point where we use the comfort of God's presence and neglect bringing God's presence to the unsaved? 


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