Thursday, January 13, 2022

To the lowest of lows...

There's nothing worst in life... to go from the highest of highs... to the lowest of lows.  And as a parent... all you can do is say "That's life" and watch.

NN... today... for some unexplained reason... got moved from Team A to Team B.  How humiliating that was.  I learned...from the Musical experience... to not be overbearing.  But she learned... from the Musical experience... it's ok to show your emotions.

"Why did I get demoted?? I'm better than some of the 7th graders!?!?"

For some odd reason... I do think that me... as an Assistant Coach.... I factored into the decision making.  That it'll soften the blow that I can move with her from Team A to Team B.  But that doesn't make life easiser.

Life -- that's it.  Life is unfair.  Learn to deal with it now while you're young. So you can be resilient enough to deal with it when... you don't get into the school you want.  Or get the job you deserve... while watching your peers excel.  

As a parent.... it rips your heart out.  Logically... she didn't deserve to be in Team A.  She really, truly doesn't have the fundamentals other than her attitude and leadership skills. But rules are rules... and you have to abide by them.

But rules...suck.  Life... sucks.  Jesus... this bitter cup... sucks.  Take this away from me. Please.

Not a teaching moment....but a life lesson.  Is she too young to learn this!?  Sooner or later... I simply didn't expect it to be now. 

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