Monday, November 28, 2022

Pick up the phone!!!

Wanted to order Panda Express for my department's end of the year party... but on the website, they say the earliest pickup time is 12:05PM.  That won't work... lunch is at 11:30AM.

So I tried calling.  No answer.  I call back... no answer.  Ok... I'll try again later.

Later... I call again.  No answer.  I try another Panda. No answer!!  I call 2 other Pandas.... and not one place answered the phone.  Oh my geez.. until finally..  I called a Panda that did answer.  It was bit a farther out.  But they were able to accommodate my 10:30AM pickup time. 

What is it with businesses....? 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

City Slickers

I've blogged on City Slickers twice since 2005. My favorite movie... a suburban western about 3 friends going through a mid-life crisis.  I've rewatched this countless times throughout the years.  

In the beginning... it was my favorite movie because of the adventure.
Then it was the friendships.
Then it was turning 39. 
So many reasons to love this movie.

I rewatched it with the kids today... and I like reading the bible over and over again... you gain new perspective.

The moment where they share "best day" and "worst day."  The writers may have done this surreptiously... or it may have been on purpose...

But Billy Crystal talks about seeing Yankee Stadium live.. in person... for the first time... with this dad.
Daniel Stern.. talks about his wedding day... and he gets a *wink* from his dad.
Bruno Kirby.. shares how he stood up and chased away the cheater.. his dad.
Then... the dentist who volunteers to take Cookie to town... and the son protesting.  The dad says, "Ride with me son.  It'll still be fun."

This isn't just a movie about friendship... about finding the meaning of life... about driving cattle from New Mexico to Colorado.  It's about the unbounding relationship between a son and a dad.

Friday, November 25, 2022


There a few things in life that can cause you to slam the brakes, screeeech, and come to a complete stop or collision.  

Coincidentally... both happened in the same calendar year.

The first time was was MC texted us and said, "Hey!! We have something to show you before we tell more people."

The second time was tonight... when I received a text, "Ahem, btw we have an announcement to make."

Oh my.................. what is going on here?????  

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

Another Holiday event bites the dust... once again.. the stress works itself out.

Mom and Dad's divorce has created a chasm that gets trickier and trickier every year.  And yet... we somehow figure it out every season.

This Thanksgiving... for whatever reason.. I was hosting Thanksgiving with mom and the in-laws.  As the planets aligned... I was able to share a Thanksgiving lunch with one of my best friends in SF Chinatown.  After lunch.. Jeff and I seized the opportunity to stroll the streets where I grew up.  This isn't the Chinatown I grew up in.  The stores were different.  So many new shops popping up.  The people are different.  I saw a HK Style Cafe written with simplified Chinese. The infrastructure is different... including an underground Muni going directly to Chinatown. All the memories start rushing back. Those days when I would wander the music stores... the comic stores... and even... the touristy shops.

"It wasn't as awkward as I thought." Was NN's comment as the evening closed. Mom and the In-Laws don't hang out. They're not in the same group.  Dad would jive.  Dad jives with everyone. I don't know how he does it. We made it work with a mah jong table.  And during dinner... I was able to squeeze a "Thanksgiving" out of everyone.

Grace: To move into my new house.
SW: To making it into King's
NN: The casting call
Joyce: Escaping Hawaii without getting COVID
MIL: Able to have a proper funeral and burial for grandma
FIL: A negative scan of his liver - he's cancer free!!
Mom: Health in spite of losing 40 lbs from her 120 lb original weight
Me: Able to coach NN and SW's basketball Team
NN (part two): Being demoted from Team A to Team B... (in tears)... and triumphantly becoming the best player on Team B.  

I was able to cook Thanksgiving dinner. I love to cook. Was planning this dinner for days.  Disappointingly... it didn't come out as I had hoped, but it was a dinner nonetheless.

But the most memorable moment of it all... was when mom grabbed SW's book, "Soul Surfer", and started reading outloud in the first page of Acknowledgements. She didn't miss a beat.  Pronounced all the words correctly.  Struggled through the long words and phonics'ed her way through the SAT words.  Mom... supposedly a 70+ year old, senile, old lady... has once again impressed and amazed me.  All those years of Adult School and ESL... she is finally finding her language.  The language of her nation and citizenship. I watched with my jaw on the floor.  So proud... so so proud of her.

5 kernels??? I dunno... I don't think I can make 5 kernels after that moment in time. 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Team Bonding

Credit to Mama Bell for showing me there's life beyond the court... we had our very own Jr. High Basketball Team Bonding event.  We originally thought of going to a Stanford Hoops game, but as luck, would have it...the timing didn't work.  Ended up having pizza, Capri Sun, chips, popsicles... and a TKA Varsity Game.

There's such a diversion between the two teams. Team A was totally into the game.  They were studying and learning.  Team B goof'ed around.  One of the players cheered for the opposing team just cuz he could. 

But amazingly... the happiest people of the night were the parents.  Sixth grade parents truly want their kids to hang out with healthy friend groups.  I got so many accolades from the parents it was embarrassing.  

Coach Noah did his job as a pastor.  He told a story... preached a sermon... on following Christ.  I followed it on being a teammate... and the importance of team work and chemistry.  Picking up a fallen brother. We limped to the finish line. And at the end of the night... we had 3 leftover pizzas that the kids didn't finish, but found a ride home.  

SW had a great time.  It was amazing seeing him in his element.  I played my part of being the cool, fun parent.  I let them goof around to a point where a parent tried to step in - fruitless.  Then I gave them a quick stare and 3 words - they stopped.  

A coach... is such a life changing role in a young man's life.  I'm so grateful to be playing this role.  May these boys grow up to be men above boys and be leaders in their own rights. Go Knights!!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

What's next...?

As I hang up my badge as CS MA... I start thinking and exploring What's Next in my ministry path.  One of which is to join the CS Worship Team as a drummer.  Me... with zero music background.  With some rhythm guitar experience. And years and years of listening to rock music.

Saturday... I joined Joyce and the worship team in their practice.  I sat next to 大佬 Keno as he slayed every fill... every frill... and I was... without a doubt, thrilled... to be in their presence. 

I interrupted their practice and 客串'ed for a bit.  But I wasn't ready. I hadn't touched the drums for months.  My skills were no where near their level. And the percussion... as weird as it sounds.. is the foundation of the whole worship set.  The drums set the rhythm.  As I'm trying to follow the piano's beat... the pianist is following my beat...or my off beat! I desperately needed the vocalists to lead me... and the vocals followed the piano who followed the drums. 

I was a fish out of the water.  At the end of practice... everyone stayed late to rehearse with me.  I knew nothing and can do nothing.  But there were no corrections or admonishments.  Only encouragement.  I'm now so encouraged... I needa practice at least 30 minutes each day to keep up!! I will do that!! That's what's next....!

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Tale as old as time

Beauty and the Beast... easily my favorite Disney animated feature ever.  

As a kid.. I only saw bits and pieces of the original Disney classics - such as Fantasia, Cinderella, Snow White, Peter Pan, etc...  Disney was different back then. They sold VHS tapes for a limited time.  Unless your family bought them (which we didn't) or you watch it on channel 7 on Sunday evenings, you'd only know the lore, which made it even more magical.

I did catch the Disney Animated Renaissance... which started with Aladdin, which made way for Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, Hercules, Tarzan.  This was during my high school and college years when I had money to go out.  I caught every one of these movies.  To cap off the Renaissance was when B&B was famously nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards.  

In the early 2000's... Jeff, Nita, Pam and I went to watch the Broadway show for Pam's bday... after having dinner at Market Grill.  I didn't know much about theater back then... only that it was a rich man's world.  And I was completely mesmerized.  First of all... I loved the song.  Secondly.. the costume and choreography was astounding. If there was ever a "first musical", it would have to be Disney. 

Nearly 20 years later... we get to watch another Disney's Beauty and the Beast musical.  This time... life has made a number of changes.  I'm not married with children.  I'm older, wiser and much more cynical.  I see life through different lenses.  

B&B now... to me... is a story about a heroine, a book addict, an engineer.  Just like NN... just like Joyce.  The "princess" isn't your damsel in distress like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty.  She's independent and a fighter.  Someone that's different, stands out, and isn't afraid of it.

B&B... is a father/daughter story.  Of how a father connects with her daughter.  A daughter understands her father.  And the two of the fighting and clinging to survive.  

B&B... is a story about second chances (or there lack of). The enchantress was extremely unforgiving after The Prince turned her away.  The last rose petal fell... as a matter of fact... before someone loved the beast.

B&B... is a story of loyalty.  Regardless of how mean and angry the beast was... the servants stuck by him.  Why?? He was a spoiled prince.  I guess... that's how the story was written.

B&B... is a fairy tale where the protagonist and heroes are always "handsome and good-looking," I actually scoffed last night when The Beast turned into a handsome, young man as opposed to the actual actor unmasking himself.  Here... I think Shrek did a much finer job at explaining acceptance and true beauty. 

B&B.... it's a story of unbelonging.  It's a story of standing out.  It's a story of hiding.  It's a story of going after what you want.  It's a story of finding companionship in a world of loneliness.  B&B... is a story... that's as old as time. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

2.5 years of catching up

The cold and flu bug that bit the Leung family is hitting us hard... almost like... 2.5 years of disease free catching up and cashing out on us.

SW... though he only had a cold... he missed one day of class.  Last week, he missed one game.  The game he returned, he was barely functional.  Today... he was gassed after a few minutes.  Last night and tonight... he zonked out before his head hit the pillow.

NN... struggled with the flu.  Lost her voice. Broke down 20,000 times cuz she feared she'd be replaced by a non-existing understudy.  She tried to work up her homework... but in the end... fell far behind.  Today... after she came home... she literally passed out on her bed.  Turns out... her appetite's been in shambles and she didn't eat anything but junk food all day. At night.. all she had were some pork bones from soup.  

From the coughing and sniffles... it doesn't look like they'll be recovering any time soon. 

Joyce was also stricken by the bug... but she plowed through it.  Had to take some naps here or there.  Just like me.  I think both our immune systems are at full throttle... fighting anything and everything off.

Thanksgiving break can't come too soon.

Friday, November 11, 2022

All in the Family

Like the famous 80's soap opera... today was... "All in the Family."

Months ahead... I planned for mom and dad to come in for NN's musical.  I laid the path for both of them to come in... watch the show... have dinner... so I can drive them out to SF simultaneously.  Save me a trip or two.

But it gets better.... 

Mom... who for some reason... can't stand being in the same zip code as dad... suggests we invite 姑媽。  Ok... a little awkward, but I can do that.  For someone I admire and look up to... I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to spend time with her.  I was shocked when dad said she'd come.  She's 76.  Doesn't look a day over 56.  Still one of my heroes.

Dad... who is much more laid back than mom... didn't really care about the arrangement.  He loved to come in with his sister.  Loved to hang out with the grandkids.  Loved to take a chance to pay for dinner.  He had a great time of 走眼看花。 

姑媽 - silently... one of the greatest heroes in my life.  She is the definition of grit.  Life did not deal her a good hand of cards, but she met all confrontation fearlessly and with a smile.  She is Muhammad Ali... Lawrence Taylor... Mike Tyson... Serena Williams rolled up into one.  A great attitude. Never shy to compliment.  Knows how to read a room.  Says the right things at the right time.  Knows when to shut up.  She deserves better.

Mom... for all the meticulous planning and careful execution. She failed.  She did not come in an hour early... like dad.  For whatever reason... she waited till the last minute to catch the 1 California... which was late!!! She nearly gave up.... and was gonna be late.  Until... she surprised me by texting me that he hailed a taxi to get to Cal Train!!!  She who doesn't speak a word of English... for the sake of her grand daughter... would break through all taboo and culture divides... to hail an SF Taxi.  

It was awkard... it was weird.  These old people don't know the first thing about whispering.  About etiquette.  About respecting the thought of not recording during a performance.  Too many times did I have to admonish them.  But all of that... meant nothing.... it all fell to the wayside.

When it come time for my Nui nui ju to sing her first solo. All week, she's been battling a flu and a closed throat.  She couldn't sing.  She couldn't hit her notes.  She was miserable and wanted to quit.  "It's not fair, daddy!"  (No, it's not.) But you can't say that. There she was... curtains closed.  Spot light on her.  And she slayed it.  Just like we prayed every night for the past two months.  She slayed it.

Yes... the vocal director changed her track.  But other than purists and parents of the cast members... no one would know.  She slayed it.  And just like how we've been praying the past few months... it's not about how we do.  It's not about our performance.  "All honor and glory... to Jesus."

Thank you Jesus!! I love you!! 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

New low

6 games with the Jr. High Girls team.  And now the 3rd game of the Jr. High Boys team.. I've hit a new low as a coach.  We not only got spanked... we got shut out.  31 - 0.  Zero!!! In a basketball game.  We had more missed free throws than we had shot attempts.  That's how bad our offense is.  And our defense? Listless.  Unaggressive. Day dreaming.  

So many things we need to work on.  But where to start?? Fundamentals. Look... no matter how we carve it or paint the picture... it's not FUN... when we lose this badly. 

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

輸了... 但贏了

Game 2 against Sacred Heart Prep.  And it was a shell-lacking.  I lost track of the final score... but it was around 39-11.  At least we got to double digits. 

Motion.  It just doesn't work.  Those kids simply don't understand the concept.

Rebound. SHP outsized us in all capacity. We did not have an answer to their 2nd... 3rd.... 6th chance of making a basket.

It was simply David and Goliath.  And we... David... did not have a sling and 5 stones.

But at the end of the evening... the one parent who was 100% against early dismissal and was 100% going to miss tomorrow's game said, "C is willing to give up Math League... and willing to take early dismissal."

Getting that reluctant parent to be on our side in spite of a spanking.. that was my win for the night. 

That...and Red Wave that's turning out to be a Red Wedding.

Tuesday, November 08, 2022


After 10 months of waiting... we're about to pour concrete when my contractor calls and says, "We have some sinkholes in your backyard."

Sink holes... WTF?!?!

I hurried from TKA all the way back to the San Jose home to deal with the 8" mysterious hole in my foundation.  What's causing the drainage and erosion? Do I live on an unstable foundation??

What do I do??? Not a moment to spare. 

Either you don't do jack... but once you open the patient... all the problems fly out of Pandora's Box. 

Monday, November 07, 2022

Jesus' Healing

"He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them." ~Matt 8:15

The biggest fear has come to pass.  We tried our best to keep NN nourished and healthy.. but alas.. she has succumbed to the flu virus. It started with SW getting the cold... but he didn't come down with a fever.  NN on the other hand... got hit a few days later.  What started as a stuffy and drippy nose is now a full blown 104 deg fever packed flu. 

She broke down... "I worked too hard to have the understudy take my part."  She doesn't have an understudy. She's the only one capable of playing this role.  I know deep down... at the very least... she will pull of her own Jordan Flu game.  There still are school protocols... but I think... the Director will aptly look the other way.  So long as NN is symptoms free (Motrin!!!) and masked up during rehearsals.  

But tonight... he was burning.  You don't need a thermometer to know she's sick.  Just standing 3 feet away... you can see the glassy eyes and feel the heat.  

She has zero appetite, but NN knows she has to force eat to get better.  At 7:30... she asked me to put her to bed cuz she knows she needs rest.  She doesn't struggle or protest any medicine or Airborne.  She wants to get better.  She's begging to get better.  And in Jesus' name... we declare... she WILL be healed. 

Wednesday, November 02, 2022


First game of the season... and I was late cuz I left SCF late.  When I got there.. Coach Noah was teaching them another offensive play and SW wasn't in that 5.  It was obvious... he wasn't gonna be the starting 5.  I knew he would be disappointed.  What didn't help... our team got outrebounded by the taller and bigger Menlo team.  Credit to them for doing what they oughta do. But in terms of talent... we were neck in neck with them.  We ended up falling short by 5.  But Coach Noah did a great job of rotating every body in.  Everyone had some play time.  Everyone experienced the adrenaline of being in a game. "I'm nervous coach." "I'm scared coach." 

Channel it young man.  Channel that energy.  We will prevail.  And SW... keep clawing.  Yes..  your size is a disadvantage.  But your skills and your heart will win you over.  Don't let up.  Keep flying.  Keep soaring.  Your day will come. 

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

All Church Retreat 2022

 This year's All Church Retreat... 又告一段落。 

It started 5 months ago when the Elders invited the MA's to help with planning.  It was a weird transition... because the mantle was not clear upon passing.  Were the elders running the show... or the MA's.  Be that as it may... I did my usual backseat driver mode and eventually started running the show. Will be glad to step away from these leadership roles in the coming season.

Some afterthoughts... 

  • One church... many cultures.  It's so hard to please everyone.  We're all so different. 
  • Being the voice of the team... I inadvertently got CS all the prime spots.  Dinner.  Rooms. Adventures. Games.  I have my allegiance. And when the other congregations fall silent.. the loud voice prevails.
  • Rally of Church - a little dream of mine that I nearly nixed.  But ultimately secured my spot in SJCAC history.  It was obvious when the song was blasted that my finger prints were all over it. 
  • CS performances are simply one notch above the rest. We take it for real.
  • MS dancers are a force to be reckoned with... they don't share the same pomp and circumstance as CS does... but when they're on stage... they bring a presence.
  • MC-ing the event. I MC'ed the 40th anniversary event... and I knew there was no one else better suited to MC this event.  Finding a partner to match me was tough billing... but MS did it.  Joyce Tran matched me stride for stride. 
  • Saturday night... as everyone was turning in... we hear this chorus of singing from a fire pit.  Everyone looked around and wondered what was happening.  Me being me... I approached our MS brethen who, with opened cans of budweiser, were singing Chinese folk songs from the 1950's. They were not ashamed. And I was proud to stand in their midst.
  • As great as I think I am... my inability to control the Mandarin language was too apparent. I need more practice.
  • The All Church Games and Ultimate Tag was a hit. Kudos to Roy and Warming for their creativity and pursuit of togetherness.
  • CS takes the lead.  Snack Team.  Adventures Team. Activities Team. For some odd reason... we ended up running the entire program.
  • In the midst of my pompous triumph... I can see that ES and MS all have their own ways of doing things.  People Bingo... Spiritual Dancing... Hiking... they have their own thing and they execute well. 
  • Rest. Recreate. Reconnect. The theme for the retreat was perfect.  And for SW and NN... they had a chance to reconnect with their peers from pre-COVID.  SW and Daniel were inseparable. To a point where Vivian and Eric reached out to say... we gotta get together more often.  NN... in her own way... was a magnet of attention.  On the last day... I approached one of her Jr. High peers and said, "You should come back to E2.  NN really misses you." And that girl.. couldn't control it but she let out a huge smile. And that night... she messaged NN to reconnect after 2 years of ghosting.
  • Never did I think I will be reading the bible with Dad.  And after that happened... never did I think that I will be praying aloud with dad.  Leveling up!!
  • Speaking of dad... he for sure is aging.  He's slow. Senile. But still full of energy.  正能量。
  • Watching dad play ping pong with PAL... I think that was the highlight of dad's weekend. 
  • The church office team... they act behind the curtains, under the radar, to which no one notices.  But I noticed.  They're top notch servants of Christ.
  • My sister Maria.  She doesn't stop.  She's a voice of truth.  She (and Mark) love this church.  She did more for this retreat than anyone would realize.  And she will go down as having zero accolades because I get the spotlight and she doesn't.  
  • Age old taboo... Maria admits to me... that she dare not speak against the elders.  And she doesn't dare speak out cuz she's a woman.  I quickly admonished her for that.  Never, in my eyes, should a woman feel subservient to men.  But the truth of the matter is... we're still a male dominant church. 
There's so much more... but those are my thoughts for now.  And after this is all said and done... I have a huge withdrawal.  I find myself lost... without anything to do at nights. I need to stay busy. I need to plan.  And execute. And tell people what to do.  This stage of rest... is so restless.