Monday, November 07, 2022

Jesus' Healing

"He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them." ~Matt 8:15

The biggest fear has come to pass.  We tried our best to keep NN nourished and healthy.. but alas.. she has succumbed to the flu virus. It started with SW getting the cold... but he didn't come down with a fever.  NN on the other hand... got hit a few days later.  What started as a stuffy and drippy nose is now a full blown 104 deg fever packed flu. 

She broke down... "I worked too hard to have the understudy take my part."  She doesn't have an understudy. She's the only one capable of playing this role.  I know deep down... at the very least... she will pull of her own Jordan Flu game.  There still are school protocols... but I think... the Director will aptly look the other way.  So long as NN is symptoms free (Motrin!!!) and masked up during rehearsals.  

But tonight... he was burning.  You don't need a thermometer to know she's sick.  Just standing 3 feet away... you can see the glassy eyes and feel the heat.  

She has zero appetite, but NN knows she has to force eat to get better.  At 7:30... she asked me to put her to bed cuz she knows she needs rest.  She doesn't struggle or protest any medicine or Airborne.  She wants to get better.  She's begging to get better.  And in Jesus' name... we declare... she WILL be healed. 

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