Tuesday, November 15, 2022

2.5 years of catching up

The cold and flu bug that bit the Leung family is hitting us hard... almost like... 2.5 years of disease free catching up and cashing out on us.

SW... though he only had a cold... he missed one day of class.  Last week, he missed one game.  The game he returned, he was barely functional.  Today... he was gassed after a few minutes.  Last night and tonight... he zonked out before his head hit the pillow.

NN... struggled with the flu.  Lost her voice. Broke down 20,000 times cuz she feared she'd be replaced by a non-existing understudy.  She tried to work up her homework... but in the end... fell far behind.  Today... after she came home... she literally passed out on her bed.  Turns out... her appetite's been in shambles and she didn't eat anything but junk food all day. At night.. all she had were some pork bones from soup.  

From the coughing and sniffles... it doesn't look like they'll be recovering any time soon. 

Joyce was also stricken by the bug... but she plowed through it.  Had to take some naps here or there.  Just like me.  I think both our immune systems are at full throttle... fighting anything and everything off.

Thanksgiving break can't come too soon.

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