Friday, November 11, 2022

All in the Family

Like the famous 80's soap opera... today was... "All in the Family."

Months ahead... I planned for mom and dad to come in for NN's musical.  I laid the path for both of them to come in... watch the show... have dinner... so I can drive them out to SF simultaneously.  Save me a trip or two.

But it gets better.... 

Mom... who for some reason... can't stand being in the same zip code as dad... suggests we invite 姑媽。  Ok... a little awkward, but I can do that.  For someone I admire and look up to... I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to spend time with her.  I was shocked when dad said she'd come.  She's 76.  Doesn't look a day over 56.  Still one of my heroes.

Dad... who is much more laid back than mom... didn't really care about the arrangement.  He loved to come in with his sister.  Loved to hang out with the grandkids.  Loved to take a chance to pay for dinner.  He had a great time of 走眼看花。 

姑媽 - silently... one of the greatest heroes in my life.  She is the definition of grit.  Life did not deal her a good hand of cards, but she met all confrontation fearlessly and with a smile.  She is Muhammad Ali... Lawrence Taylor... Mike Tyson... Serena Williams rolled up into one.  A great attitude. Never shy to compliment.  Knows how to read a room.  Says the right things at the right time.  Knows when to shut up.  She deserves better.

Mom... for all the meticulous planning and careful execution. She failed.  She did not come in an hour early... like dad.  For whatever reason... she waited till the last minute to catch the 1 California... which was late!!! She nearly gave up.... and was gonna be late.  Until... she surprised me by texting me that he hailed a taxi to get to Cal Train!!!  She who doesn't speak a word of English... for the sake of her grand daughter... would break through all taboo and culture divides... to hail an SF Taxi.  

It was awkard... it was weird.  These old people don't know the first thing about whispering.  About etiquette.  About respecting the thought of not recording during a performance.  Too many times did I have to admonish them.  But all of that... meant nothing.... it all fell to the wayside.

When it come time for my Nui nui ju to sing her first solo. All week, she's been battling a flu and a closed throat.  She couldn't sing.  She couldn't hit her notes.  She was miserable and wanted to quit.  "It's not fair, daddy!"  (No, it's not.) But you can't say that. There she was... curtains closed.  Spot light on her.  And she slayed it.  Just like we prayed every night for the past two months.  She slayed it.

Yes... the vocal director changed her track.  But other than purists and parents of the cast members... no one would know.  She slayed it.  And just like how we've been praying the past few months... it's not about how we do.  It's not about our performance.  "All honor and glory... to Jesus."

Thank you Jesus!! I love you!! 

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